Glasgow Unicorn, Primary View.

My first hand-made artwork in 14 years. The canvases had been waiting for about 3 years. 1200×1100, Acrylic and homemade pigment on Canvas.

The work makes use of key changes in the wavelength of light. This allows the image to vary dramatically depending on the colour or intensity of light applied. The work also makes use of UV reactive and Photoluminescent pigments.

No “photoshop fuckery” or camera tricks were used – everything is a 15s exposure unless otherwise noted. Everything else is changes to the light in the room.

It represents many things to me on a personal level, the content of each panel is a part of my story, once held locked away in my head – now pulled out and stuck to canvas.

If you’re curious “why the traffic cone”? It’s not just *any* unicorn. It’s a *Glasgow* Unicorn.…/Equestrian_statue_of_the…

Low Light

Mixed RGB, and Camera Flash (Masked)

Using UV as the primary light source

And when the lights go out…