Acrylic on Canvas, and Silk Screen Print on Canvas, 1200×1200 (16x 300×300 panels).

Coos and Duckies started off as a Charcoal Experiment of a rubber duck. I then created a series of 4 “pop-art” style Duckies. A short while later, I made a charcoal of some Highland Cattle (coos) which were grazing nearby. I then made 4 “pop-art” style paintings of the Coos.

I wanted some symmetry in the piece, and experimented with Screen Printing on canvas. I created matching screen-printed versions of the 4 panels by mixing the acrylics I used for the paintings to become screenprinting inks. Each painting of a Coo and Duckie has a corresponding screenprint version made using the same colours. This is the largest combined piece by area covered.