Be More Coo!

Be More Coo! Is going to be my New Year’s resolution.

Coos live free and happy. They take life as it comes. They explore their pastures, and they usually look awesome in the process. In 2022, I’m going to be exploring more Coos. So expect Coo#2.I’m going to be revisiting Duckie. It’s time to try Duckie#2. Duckie#2 will have a page to itself shortly.

I’m going to keep track of the progress and process of creating the Coo here, and making occasional notes about my progress in Being More Coo! in 2022.

Of course, I’m also impatient. So I might not make it to 2022 before I start on the Coo#2 / Duckie#2 series. You’ll know it’s happening when odd experiments start to appear on the front page.

I may also use this as an opportunity to create more content on YouTube.

All I know about Coo#2 is that it will be based on this early charcoal.