Showing: 51 - 60 of 72 RESULTS
Abstract Acrylic Pieces Screenprint

“Coos and Duckies”

Acrylic on Canvas, and Silk Screen Print on Canvas, 1200×1200 (16x 300×300 panels). Coos and Duckies started off as a Charcoal Experiment of a rubber duck. I then created a series of 4 “pop-art” style Duckies. A short while later, I made a charcoal of some Highland Cattle (coos) which were grazing nearby. I then …

Abstract Modern Interpretation Pieces

“Modern Rorschach”

Acrylic on Canvas, 900×900 (enneaptych – 9 300×300 panels) The “Rorschach Test”, aka “Ink Blot Test” was (is) a tool used in Psychology, where the patient is asked to interpret some blots of ink on paper. the responses are then used to determine a persons state of mind. The ink blots used are random, and …

Abstract Pieces


Acrylic on Canvas, 300×350. I fancied seeing what what dropping paint from a height would achieve, with a little bit of swirling around.

Abstract Pieces RGB UV

“Paisley Rosecone”

Acrylic on Canvas, 300×900. The third rose for my UV wall, to join “Mackintosh Rose” and “Powder Rose” – completing the set. The top two panels mirror “Twin Roses #2”, and were painted at the same time – technically making these triplets. The differences being the size of the panels (the top two panels would …

Abstract Pieces RGB UV

“Twin Roses #2”

Acrylic and UV on Canvas, 250×450. My second set of “Twins”, painted at the same time with the same pigments and techniques. This makes use of specialist metallic paints for the leaves (thanks, L), and the internal frame of the rose. I’ve also used some iridescents for the framework. Technically, this is a triplet – …

Abstract Fantasy Pieces UV


Acrylic and UV Pigment on Canvas. 500×500. Trialling some iridescent paints which change depending on the angle you view them from. From the correct angle, you get shimmering colours. From the wrong angle, all you see are dark panes on the rose.

Abstract Fantasy Pieces Realism UV

“Made in Scotland”

Acrylic on Canvas, 1000×700. The Forth Rail Bridge, Tunnocks Caramel Wafer, and a bottle of Irn Bru 1901 (the “modern” version couldn’t support diabetes, let alone a railway bridge!). It can get much more Scottish, but this will suffice for now 😀.