Acrylic and UV pigment on canvas, 400×300. Sometimes it’s doom, gloom and darkness.Sometimes it’s dim, but you can put on a brave face.Sometimes it’s almost like it’s no there at all.But it is there. Lurking underneath, ready to pounce. If you find something resonant in this image, please consider making a donation to the Mental …
Acrylic and UV Pigment on canvas, 300×300. There’s beauty inside, but it’s hard to see it all. The darkness seeps through everything, completely masking out some things, and interfering with others. There’s no telling when or where it may crop up, but when it does it leaves a scar. If you find something resonant in …
“Transamerica Pyramid”
Acrylic on Canvas, 400×500. Following on from “Edinburgh Street Scene”, another pseudo-impressionist piece, this time of Columbus Avenue, San Francisco c. 2001. Based on a photo taken by The Unicorn from the junction of Columbus Avenue and Jack Kerouac Alley.
“Edinburgh Street Scene”
Acrylic on Canvas, 500×400. In a break from the “usual”, there’s no UV and no Glow. Just a plain old painting of Frederick Street in Edinburgh as seen in 2017 in a pseudo-impressionist style.
“Twin Rose #4 (Swirl Rose)”
Acrylic on canvas, 300×300. A stemless pair of roses. I enjoy painting these, it’s very relaxing. The backgrounds are a muted blended swirl of acrylic paint and UV pigment, along with some glow in the dark powder.
“Glasgow Skyline, Winter Sunrise.”
Acrylic on Canvas, 2000×400. Based on a panoramic photograph I took of the Glasgow Skyline at Sunrise some years ago. There is a “piece within the piece”, “Hiding in the woods” which has lots of hidden motifs and symbols relevant to my journey to here…
“Silhouette: Tree”
Acrylic, UV and Glow pigment on Canvas, 900×900 (enneaptych – 9x 300×300 panels) My first fully RGB active, UV and Glow in the Dark piece for some time, the various panels “appear” or “disappear” under various levels of Red, Green or Blue light. The moon in the centre also phases in and out of visibility …
“Tasty Scotland 2: Irn Bru 1901”
If you’re going to have Irn Bru, it’s got to be “1901”. The “standard” Irn Bru isn’t Irn Bru. It’s really Diet Irn Bru. They replaced a large portion of the sugar with artificial sweeteners due to the “sugar tax”. Irn Bru 1901 was released as a “limtied edition” but has now been brought into …