Showing: 1 - 10 of 19 RESULTS
Ceramics Pieces

“Stoneware Pot”

Stoneware Clay, Layered Glazes. We’re entering the realms of “wheel thrown pot” experimentation. This is a sturdy little pot, with a form I find somewhat pleasing. In an effort to “master” the wheel (or, at the very least move on from complete novice!), I went on a bit of a rampage. I threw pot after …

Ceramics Pieces

“Lotus Dish”

Stoneware Clay, Painted Glazes. c. 25cm x 15cm. A hand built dish. The shape is inspired by the lotus flower, the colours are inspired by my like of random colours that make me happy. The blues are frequent visitors to my fired ceramic pieces, namely Prussian Blue (#23) and Cerulean (#15). The numbers are a …

Ceramics Pieces

“Paint Pot”

Stoneware Clay, c. 15cm x 10cm. Various coloured slips and transparent glaze. A nice little wheel-thrown pot for when i’m painting. It’s a nice size and weight to use for water, and I don’t need to worry about dripping paint down the sides :).

Ceramics Pieces


Stoneware Clay, Various glazes. c. 15cm x 10cm. OK, so this wasn’t supposed to be Anubis, but that’s just how it turned out. Throughout the making process, it took on various forms. Aiming for a Belgian Malinois, it has variously ended up looking like a badger, a rat crossed with a dog, a possum before …