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Glasgow Unicorn, Primary View.
Abstract Fantasy Pieces RGB UV

“Glasgow Unicorn”

My first hand-made artwork in 14 years. The canvases had been waiting for about 3 years. 1200×1100, Acrylic and homemade pigment on Canvas. The work makes use of key changes in the wavelength of light. This allows the image to vary dramatically depending on the colour or intensity of light applied. The work also makes …

Abstract Acrylic Fantasy Glow Ink Pieces RGB UV


Acrylic, UV, Glitter and Spray paint on Canvas. 184cm x 100cm. The birthday piece is now complete. Glasgow Unicorn is one, and grown up. The piece has elements from almost every piece I’ve done, with some of my personal favourites represented more prominently, though two pieces have had a major update/upgrade.

Acrylic Fantasy Pieces Realism UV

“Glasgow Skyline, Winter Sunrise.”

Acrylic on Canvas, 2000×400. Based on a panoramic photograph I took of the Glasgow Skyline at Sunrise some years ago. There is a “piece within the piece”, “Hiding in the woods” which has lots of hidden motifs and symbols relevant to my journey to here…

Abstract Fantasy Pieces UV


Acrylic and UV Pigment on Canvas. 500×500. Trialling some iridescent paints which change depending on the angle you view them from. From the correct angle, you get shimmering colours. From the wrong angle, all you see are dark panes on the rose.

Abstract Fantasy Pieces Realism UV

“Made in Scotland”

Acrylic on Canvas, 1000×700. The Forth Rail Bridge, Tunnocks Caramel Wafer, and a bottle of Irn Bru 1901 (the “modern” version couldn’t support diabetes, let alone a railway bridge!). It can get much more Scottish, but this will suffice for now 😀.

Abstract Fantasy Pieces Realism RGB UV

“Connected World”

Acrylic, Spray paint and UV pigments on Canvas. 600×700. This started out as a fairly realistic “globe view”. Spray paint wasn’t enough I decided to have some fun with the airbrush now I’ve worked out my UV recipe for it. Then I got a delivery of some new UV powder, and chose to play a …

Abstract Fantasy Pieces RGB Uncategorised UV


Acrylic, Spray Paint, Various UV blends on Canvas. Diptych, 450×550. I’ve packed a lot into this relatively small piece. Some may be apparent under normal daylight. Some may be apparent, others not so. Everything has meaning, and all together it can be pretty no matter what. Feel free to say what *you* see in the …

Abstract Fantasy Pieces

“Crepuscular Creature”

Acrylic and Charcoal on Canvas, 400×300. First experiment in using “Liquid White” as a medium. Probably the last one, too. Inspired by a photo of a friends dog (Bandit) walking on a muddy path, the shadow of the dog was reflected in a puddle. My friend (C), an accomplished photographer who really should display his …

Fantasy Modern Interpretation Pieces UV

“Tommy Gun Thatcher”

House paint, Acrylic and UV pigments on Canvas, 500×800. What do you get when you cross the “Cesar Romero” and “Heath Ledger” portrayals of “The Joker” in Batman – with Margaret Thatcher? A tommy gun wielding nutcase, intent on cleansing the country of all that publically owned industry. To be viewed above and to the …