Showing: 11 - 20 of 20 RESULTS
Modern Interpretation Pieces RGB UV

“Twin Roses #1”

Acrylic and UV (and obviously some spray paint too) on canvas, each piece measures 250×500. Both roses were created at the same time, from the same canvas batch, with the same paints, and the same pigments. There are subtle differences, more fraternal than identical. Both carry the same meaning, though.

Abstract Pieces Realism RGB UV


Acrylic and UV on canvas. 200×150. The frog needs something suitable if he ever gets hungry. The completed piece (not shown) has a UV target placed over it. To be placed in front of “Frog”.

Abstract Pieces Realism RGB UV


Acrylic and UV pigment on Canvas. 500×500. Just a funky blue frog on a highly reactive pop-art backround. Should respond well to RGB as well as UV. It was fun to paint.

Abstract Fantasy Pieces Realism RGB UV

“Connected World”

Acrylic, Spray paint and UV pigments on Canvas. 600×700. This started out as a fairly realistic “globe view”. Spray paint wasn’t enough I decided to have some fun with the airbrush now I’ve worked out my UV recipe for it. Then I got a delivery of some new UV powder, and chose to play a …

Abstract Fantasy Pieces RGB Uncategorised UV


Acrylic, Spray Paint, Various UV blends on Canvas. Diptych, 450×550. I’ve packed a lot into this relatively small piece. Some may be apparent under normal daylight. Some may be apparent, others not so. Everything has meaning, and all together it can be pretty no matter what. Feel free to say what *you* see in the …

Abstract Modern Interpretation Pieces RGB Uncategorised UV

“Powder Rose”

UV powder, UV Pigment, Acrylic, Poster Paint on Canvas. 250×500. I wanted to make a rose to go along with the original Mackintosh Rose. I have one more to do, to complete my intended set of three. The majority of the top panel is UV active and Glow powder. There is a smidge of paint …

Abstract Acrylic Experiments Modern Interpretation Pieces RGB UV

“Paper Rose”

Experiment with Cotton Rag Paper #3, Acrylic Paint and Heavy UV pigmentation. A3. There isn’t much describing required for this one – I wanted to see how the paper would cope under pressure. I mixed and blended a few paints direct on the paper. It coped very well – hardly any distortion while the paint …

Mackintosh Rose
Modern Interpretation Pieces RGB UV

“Mackintosh Rose”

Acrylic and home-brewed UV pigment on canvas. 150×200. Inspired by the Art-Nouveau works of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, this is a modern take on the classic Mackintosh Rose design. Under normal lighting, the piece is intended to look like a naive but modern interpretation. When bombarded with UV light, however, the true nature of the piece …

Paisley Snail
Abstract Pieces RGB UV

“Paisley Snail”

House Paint, Acrylic, Spray Paint, a teensy bit of Sharpie, and home-brewed reactive pigment on canvas. The “Paisley Snail” is a famous legal case, Donoghue vs. Stevenson. It set the legal bar for liability, and saw the foundation of consumer protection in law. The case is still taught in Law School classes to this day. …

Glasgow Unicorn, Primary View.
Abstract Fantasy Pieces RGB UV

“Glasgow Unicorn”

My first hand-made artwork in 14 years. The canvases had been waiting for about 3 years. 1200×1100, Acrylic and homemade pigment on Canvas. The work makes use of key changes in the wavelength of light. This allows the image to vary dramatically depending on the colour or intensity of light applied. The work also makes …