House paint, Acrylic and UV pigments on Canvas, 500×800. What do you get when you cross the “Cesar Romero” and “Heath Ledger” portrayals of “The Joker” in Batman – with Margaret Thatcher? A tommy gun wielding nutcase, intent on cleansing the country of all that publically owned industry. To be viewed above and to the …
“Mackintosh Rose”
Acrylic and home-brewed UV pigment on canvas. 150×200. Inspired by the Art-Nouveau works of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, this is a modern take on the classic Mackintosh Rose design. Under normal lighting, the piece is intended to look like a naive but modern interpretation. When bombarded with UV light, however, the true nature of the piece …
“Paisley Snail”
House Paint, Acrylic, Spray Paint, a teensy bit of Sharpie, and home-brewed reactive pigment on canvas. The “Paisley Snail” is a famous legal case, Donoghue vs. Stevenson. It set the legal bar for liability, and saw the foundation of consumer protection in law. The case is still taught in Law School classes to this day. …
“Glasgow Unicorn”
My first hand-made artwork in 14 years. The canvases had been waiting for about 3 years. 1200×1100, Acrylic and homemade pigment on Canvas. The work makes use of key changes in the wavelength of light. This allows the image to vary dramatically depending on the colour or intensity of light applied. The work also makes …