Future Unicorns

Having seen first hand some of the work Meladrama do with disadvantaged kids, the Unicorn was left pondering. Those were opportunities with remained out of reach for the Unicorn, aside from a brief stint in a kids acting school. Having an expressive outlet meant a lot to this Unicorn, whilst it lasted. Since then, I’ve seen the passion Mel has for helping kids find their voice. Giving them the opportunity to express themselves freely, without fear.

The places Mel can offer for disadvantaged kids are sadly limited as a result of funding cuts. I want to help, but I cannot personally. A portion of some Patreon tiers is allocated to helping kids at Meladrama. You can also find a future Unicorn direct. This should be arranged using the contact form linked below. All sponsorship will be managed via Glasgow Unicorn, with Mel providing updates on how your support is helping.