Acrylic Pieces

“Norwegian Reflections”

Acrylic on canvas, 184cm x 100cm. I made… Lots of progress today. It helps that I was essentially working with 3 colours, and splashes of 3 others for mixing and blending the sky and water. This piece is based on a random 35mm slide purchased in a set from eBay, which appear to be of …

Acrylic Pieces


Acrylic on canvas. 185cm X 100cm. A large piece depicting Anchor Mill, Paisley. Based (roughly) on a photo I took following the opening of the Big Art Show where ‘Salford Reflections‘ and ‘Lost Unicorn‘ are on display. The main theme of this piece is reclamation. The mill lay derelict for years, long after I left …


I’m in the Big Art Show…

I am pleased to announce that two pieces have been selected for the Big Art Show, in Paisley (Scotland) – starting in late August 2022. I submitted a number of pieces for consideration. Of those, “Salford Reflections” and “Lost Unicorn” made the grade. Created quite a time apart, “Lost Unicorn” was created using the last …