Sponsor a Unicorn

A Unicorn is not just for Christmas. A Unicorn is for life. I understand money’s tight. That’s why I’m here, performing tricks with paint, akin to a barely trained monkey. Hoping to “wow” the money out of your wallet in aid of some good causes. You may choose to sponsor a faceless child somewhere in the Third World, and that is a highly noble venture. So why would you want to sponsor a Unicorn?

I can 100% Guarantee that whilst a Unicorn was frequently hurt on the journey to (re)birth, your donation will go to rekindling the stolen dreams of a scared and troubled boy. All of the pieces I produce have multiple meanings. There is the “Public” view, and the “Private” view. So far, I have been expressing emotions and feelings – sometimes in an innocuous way, other times more overtly.

The pieces I produce are intended to provoke a reaction – be it a feeling of whimsy, or a primal response from your cupboard of nightmares. It is perhaps unfair of me to share my own darkest feelings and emotions in a visceral manner, but I contend that people have been encouraged to “hide from the darkness” for too long. It is not healthy. I can attest to that!

There are a few ways you can Sponsor a Unicorn. Some methods will be 100% beneficial to Glasgow Unicorn, some are beneficial to the thousands of potential Unicorns who will miss out on the possibility of realising their dreams. As with interpreting my pieces, the choice you make is yours!

Things that benefit other people, and will make the Glasgow Unicorn feel good inside, especially if you mention Unicorns in some way!

* Please mention the Glasgow Unicorn, or leave a donation in memory of Alexander if you do not have a personal memorial you would like to make.
** Please mention the Unicorn, and any survivors of abuse you may know. They do fantastic work with male survivors of abuse.

Things that will benefit the Glasgow Unicorn more directly, and help him to continue sharing his work. They’re rated Green (Free!), Turquoise (Cheap, but appreciated), Orange (Might be slightly pricy, but the benefits are commensurate), and Red (Hella expensive, but the benefit is transformative and life changing for someone).

*Do these anyway!